
Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Psalm 4: 3 Know that the LORD has set apart the godly for himself; the LORD will hear when I call to him (NIV)

Look at this: look Who got picked by God! He listens the split second I call to him. (The Message)

Some nights ago I was feeling very burdened. It was like I was all alone. Felt like my past hurts and pains were gaints again. It was past midnight and I clearly rememberED saying out loudly to God, "I wish there was someone to pray with me, but it is so late, I cannot call anyone."

My friends God hears our hearts, He hears our cries even in the midnight hour.

When I cried out to my God, I was standing by my computer, and saw that I had received a new mail. I sat down checked the mail and it was the person who had coached me during my training period. She had emailed me about another matter, but the first paragraph of her mail said this -

"Praying that all is well! Let me know how I can keep you lifted up in prayer."

My response was "I need all the prayers I can get".

The Holy Spirit did not leave it there but she wanted to know if she could call at that time and I said yes. (Note we are in different countries)

The rest is history, I was able to share and she was able to pray with me.

I had to share this as it may encourage someone knowing that God hears us and SUDDENLY when we do not expect He will answer. KNOCK, ASK, AND LISTEN HE WILL ANSWER.

Read the verse again from The Message..........well said

To God be the glory He is our on time God

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