
Tuesday, December 7, 2010


There are times we are asked for your opinion or told something that goes against how we think, or feel; and the response given is not what the hearer was hoping for, and you immediately know that your answer is not accepted.

 In cases like these submission to the Holy Spirit will allow the truth of our feelings flow from our lips; which does not bring displeasure to our God. The word of God clearly states that truth brings freedom. It is my opinion that it brings freedom to our emotions and our spirits.Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:32.

Soaring in Christ comes from living the word and one truth that God wants from us is our honesty to one another.

Father I pray in the name of Jesus that you teach me your way, O Lord that I may walk and live your truth; direct and unite my heart to fear and honour your name. Amen

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