
Monday, November 22, 2010


Ever felt like the roof of your life was about blow off in the storm and:
  •  you wonder where is God, He seems so far away?
  • everything around you saying that trust is not worth it?
  • When will this end?
  • When will the truth be known?
  • Why is this happening to me?
  • Does God really loves me as He says?
  • Is God really faithful?
  • How am I going to make it?
  • Is this storm going to end?
  • Where are the promises of God?
  • Will the hurt ever leave?
  • How will I make it?
These are all lies from the enemy......The Devil comes to kill, steal, and destroy.... John 10:10a. If He gets you believing all the lies the easier it is for you not to trust. God sees those midnight tears, those moments of hardships and doubts, and He wants you to know that .....He comes to give life and to give it to you more abundantly........John 10:10b.

God knows it is not easy, but He has given  you  ALL you need for life and godliness and you may say how come, I don't see it. This provision is only revealed to us through the knowledge of Him. 1 Peter 3:3 says ..His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.

This knowledge only comes from knowing more about Him through searching the scriptures You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life. These are the Scriptures that testify about me John 5:39

I can testify of how my trust in Him works. One weekend I recognized I was running out of a few things especially that the petrol in my vehicle was running low and there was not enough money for that. I remember speaking aloud in my house "God you are going to provide for me because you promised, I do not have enough gas to serve me until I get paid (hopefully soon, that is another story for another time)". The Sunday morning in church I got an envelope with these "words do not open until after church".  After church I opened it and there was enough to buy gas for another two weeks and get a me a few other things. What I did not notice was a futher note saying "God told me to give you this for gas."

Like you I have had my moments of asking questions but the more I read the scripture is the more the trust level rises. My friends I pray that God will awake that gift of faith He has given you and allow it rise to the highest so you may testify of his goodness in and through the storm.

Be blessed as I declare to your storm, peace be still

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